Guam August 2024 Update

The Brantley's Journey To Service


The heart of why we are here

We get the question frequently, "Why are you missionaries?" It used to be difficult to explain. People just don't understand how you can sell almost all of your physical possessions and move 7,000 miles away from all of your family and friends. Even our Christian friends had a hard time understanding it. Well, here is a picture of the answer. Two more salvations professed. Two more souls serving Christ. Two more hearts living for Jesus. This is why we are missionaries. Two more lost sheep, now in the flock. These two girls, Mayian and Taelynn, have grown so much over the last year and a half. They accepted Christ as their savior a couple of weeks ago. On September 1st, they took communion with the church for the first time. On September 8th they will be baptized along with five other children that have made professions of faith (Peter, Janelle, Machu-Mayian's brother, Jenaizah, and Joseph). Jenaizah's mom, Jenn and Taelynn's mom, Tina, have also made a profession of faith and will be getting baptized as well. We are so proud of them and the decision they have made. Please be in prayer for them and for the church to continue to disciple them as they grow in their faith. 

Patrnership with Be Heartfelt

Agat Community Church has been blessed to be able to partner with Be Heartfelt, a non-profit organization that helps the children of Guam with meals, shoes, and school supplies. This month we had a generous donation of backpacks that will be used to send food home with children each weekend that are at risk of not having food outside of school meals. We also participated in a shoe drive to collect closed toe shoes that are required for kids to have at school. Agat Mayor, Vice Mayor and staff allowed us to put a box at the mayor's office as a collection point for shoes. It has been such a joy to see the relationships blossoming here and the growth of the church members wanting to be involved and help others in the community, being the hands and feet of Jesus in Agat.

Common Sighting in Guam Waters

One thing we see a lot of here is different military vessels, like this aircraft carrier. Jeremiah snapped this shot as he flew over it. We see different types of vessels in dock at Navy Base Guam and often see submarines off the coast in Agat. It is a reminder that we are the nearest US soil to China and North Korea. 

Mini-Truck Ministry

One man's trash is another man's treasure. That was the case this month for us. The public schools here on Guam are having a hard time passing public health inspections. Many of the schools had delayed start dates and some still have not been able to open due to deficiencies. One school in particular had to get rid of a bunch of filling cabinets and large metal storage cabinets due to rust. We were able to pick up two large units seen in the back of the truck and a wooden shelf that is laying down in the truck. These cabinets will be painted and used to store shoes in one and food in the other for our partnership with Be Heartfelt. 

Allie--thrill seeker!!

Allie has been introduced to a new hobby, indoor rock climbing. She absolutely fell in love with it. She goes several nights a week with a group of ladies. They are in their 30's and 40's. The gym staff calls them the "Golden Girls" so now they have affectionately nick named Allie the "Golden Baby". They have taught her a lot over the last couple of weeks and she is now signed up to do her first competition on September 14th. Please be in prayer for a good safe climb. 

Jeremiah--Doing Adult Things

Jeremiah did a very adult thing....he voted! He wasn't happy that I took pictures of the whole process, but to me this was a huge milestone in his and our lives. We pray for our children to grow in the Lord obviously, but we also pray for them to be productive, responsible members of society. He took this civic duty very seriously. We are so proud of the young man he has become. He is working very long hours at the flight school and now has several students of his own that he is teaching and mentoring. 

Ok, now before anyone gets too excited by the last photo, HE is not proposing to anyone! But, after a flight, he did get to see his passenger propose on the tarmac. He was able to snap this photo of the moment. Very sweet.
We are so thankful to all who have continued to support us on this journey through deputation support, project funds or prayer support. We would not be able to do any of the work that has been done here without God blessing the work and people being willing to support and send us. We pray daily that we are constantly found doing God's will.

The response to our amazon wish list has been overwhelming. Thank you all so much. I do my best to send thank you cards to those who have sent items to us. Please include either your name or the church name when you donate so we can properly thank you. 

Please follow us on Facebook and/or Instagram. We love staying in touch with you all. If you have any prayer requests, please let us know. We would be honored to pray with you and for you.

Thank you again for your kind and loving support.

Thank you and God Bless,

Cathy, Schuyler, Jeremiah and Allie Brantley
PO Box 8345
Agat, Guam 96928

  • new salvations
  • new families attending church
Our current prayer needs:
  • parents to attend with the new children coming to church
  • new families to continue coming to church
  • hearts to be prepared as we evangelize to the community
  • prayers for our family as our children move into their young adult roles
**On a side note: Thank you to all who send coupons, I can still use them! They can be expired up to six months. We also have our Amazon wish list link below. We are so blessed by all of the donations that help the ministry thrive in Agat.
Amazon Wishlist